
Neumann Early Learning Academy follows the State of Florida and Diocese of Orlando education standards for preschool children. We use approved and developmentally appropriate curriculum which utilizes a variety of teaching methods to meet the individual needs of each child. The curriculum, Frog Street, provides at home online interactive lessons for parents and students to access. 

Three Years Old

This program continues with language development. The activities are structured to make recognition of the alphabet, numbers and their names enjoyable. Emphasis is also placed on classification, sequencing and patterning.

Music is encouraged through song, creative movement to music and simple rhythm patterns.

Other areas of importance are muscle control and social interactions. At this stage many develop the “I can do it myself” attitude. We allow time and patience for their growing needs and encourage independence.


4 Years Old

This age group is characterized as imaginative, enthusiastic and adventurous. Pre-academic work continues and is becoming more complex. The children are encouraged to work more independently and to develop self-motivation.

Language continues to be a primary focus. The children are encouraged to increase their vocabulary as well as language comprehension. The children will learn their parent’s name, phone number and address. Recognition of letters, numbers and colors is continuous.

Reading and writing skills can often be seen and are encouraged. Fill-in-the-blank stories, child dictated stories and language games are used to enhance learning. Phonic awareness will be a major role in their daily activities.

Math skills such as serialization, sequencing, classifying, weights and measures are explored. Dramatic play and socialization skills are enhanced through block play, house keeping, creative manipulatives and other learning centers. Further exploration of their world continues with science and cooking activities being introduced